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Microsoft Excel Level 1 Foundation 1 Day

Course Overview

Microsoft Excel combines a powerful spreadsheet application with the user-friendly atmosphere of Windows. Candidates learn the basics of creating, editing, and saving worksheets in this foundation level of training. We work with formulas and functions to calculate and return values ,learn to change the appearance of a page, to include adding headers and footers and format data.





Delegates should have an understanding of the Windows operating systems.

Course Objectives

· Identify basic worksheet and workbook concepts and terms

· Enter and edit data

· Modify the worksheet

· Use functions to calculate and return values

· Format cells to enhance the appearance of your worksheet

· Change the page set-up to define how the printed worksheet appears

Exploring Excel

  • Identifying Parts of the Screen
  • Modifying the Quick Access toolbar
  • Identifying the ribbon Components
  • Getting Help
  • Opening a New Workbook
  • Opening a Recently Used Workbook
  • Pin Workbooks

Saving/Closing a Workbook

  • Saving a Workbook
  • Using Save As
  • Closing a Workbook and Exiting from Excel

Moving Around and Selecting Areas of a Worksheet

  • Navigating in a Worksheet
  • Using the Scroll Bars and Boxes
  • Using Go To
  • Using Selection Techniques
  • Selecting a Range of Cells
  • Selecting Nonadjacent Cells and Ranges
  • Selecting an Entire Worksheet

Modifying worksheets

  • Inserting, deleting and Renaming Worksheets
  • Worksheet views
  • Clearing and deleting cells
  • Working with Rows and Columns
  • Changing the width and height of Rows and Columns
  • Selecting Rows and Columns
  • Freezing and unfreezing Rows and columns
  • Quickly Adjusting a Column Width
  • Quickly Adjust the Row Height

Entering Data and Editing Data

  • Entering Text Data into a Cell
  • Entering Values
  • Entering Data into a Range
  • Editing Data on the Worksheet
  • Editing the Data in a Cell
  • Clearing the Contents from a Cell or Range
  • Using Undo and Redo

Moving and Copying Data

  • Copying Data
  • Copying Data with AutoFill
  • Creating a Series with AutoFill
  • Using the clipboard

Formulae and Functions

  • Creating Simple Formulas
  • Using the AutoSum Button
  • Copying Formulas

Formatting the Worksheet

  • Changing the Appearance of Data
  • Applying Fonts
  • Adding Enhancements
  • Aligning Data in Cells
  • Merging and Centering Cells
  • Rotating and Indenting Text
  • Adding Borders and Shading
  • Using the format Painter
  • Selecting Multiple Worksheets
  • Working with Styles
  • Applying a Style
  • Modifying Existing Styles


Course Objectives

Microsoft Excel combines a powerful spreadsheet application with the user-friendly atmosphere of Windows. Candidates learn the basics of creating, editing, and saving worksheets in this foundation level of training. We work with formulas and functions to calculate and return values ,learn to change the appearance of a page, to include adding headers and footers and format data.