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Adobe InDesign Advanced 2 Days

Course Overview

On this Adobe InDesign Advanced Training Course, you will take your InDesign skills to a whole new level. It will show you how to work with long document features such as master pages, toc’s, cross references, and indexes to streamline and automate your documents. 





Prerequisites: Adobe InDesign at an Intermediate level.

InDesign Parent (Master) Pages

Parent Pages, working with Parent & Child

Multiple Parent Pages

Parent Page Overrides

Shuffling Spreads

Parent Page Best Practice

Advanced Numbering & Section Options

InDesign & Working with Colour

Swatches – managing colours and gradients

Ink Manager

Mixed Inks

Swatches & CC Libraries

InDesign Long Document Handling

Table of Contents,

Advanced TOC features, accurate alignment, and positioning of TOC’s

Designing TOC Styles

TOCs across Multiple Book /Sections

CC Libraries

Creating CC Libraries

Sharing & Collaboration with Libraries

CC Library Assets

Linking Frames in CC Libraries

Working with Adobe Capture inside Libraries

InDesign Book Panel

Using the Book Panel

Adding, removing Chapters

Working with Books & Chapters

Book Lists

Book Synchronisation

Generating TOCs across Book chapters

The Pen & Paths

Hints and tips for effective pen use, freehand shapes, manipulating shapes

Creating freehand shapes, compound paths

Bezier and Bezier curves

Path Handles

From Microsoft to InDesign

Importing Word Documents

Importing Excel Spreadsheets

Retaining Linked Data

Mapping Microsoft Styles to Adobe

Advanced Graphic Handling

Clipping paths,

Alpha channels (from PhotoShop),

Graphic formats /Dynamic text wrap

InDesign & Photoshop Roundtripping

Working with InDesign & Photoshop for graphical effect

Image Size /Rotate /Transform /Basic Layers Overview

Print output


Print to .PDF /PDF Presets


Overprint & Separations Preview Panels