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Adobe InDesign Introduction 2 Days

Course Overview

On this InDesign Course you will learn the tools and techniques used in the software to produce eye catching and professional spreads and layouts. Whether you’re a graphic designer, marketer, who wants to learn how to create professional-looking layouts, this InDesign introductory course is a great introduction.





Prerequsites: Working knowledge of Windows or MAC Operating system.

Getting Started with InDesign

Creating and saving a document

New document setup /Adobe Stock

Tools / panels

Document navigation

Print /Web /Mobile Options

Editing Existing Documents

Open Existing Documents

Work through & Edit Existing Documents

Update Documents

Replace Missing Fonts

Replace Missing Images

Update Running Headers etc

InDesign & Smart Layouts

Working with Rulers /Guides

Grids / View Grids

Smart Guides

Grid Layouts

Align & Distribute

Arrange /Forward /Backward etc

Select Objects

Working With Text Frames

Text Frames

Formatting Text Frames

Resizing Text Frames

Text Frame Options

Text Frame /Columns /Baseline Grid

InDesign & Type Manipulation

Placing & Threading Text

Dealing with Overset Text

Adding /Updating Character styles / Paragraph styles

Typography and Professional Layouts

Type Families & Pairing

InDesign & Type Styles

Working with Style Packs

Character /Paragraph Style Panels

Creating /Editing Styles

The Power of Type Styling

Hyphenation /Working with Type Properties

Adjusting Type Formats /Leading /Tracking /Space After

Sharing Type Styles

InDesign Bullets & Numbering

Add Bullets & Numbered Lists

Positioning Bullets /Hanging Indents

Adjusting Horizontal /Vertical Spacing

Changing Bullet Styles

Creating Character Styles for Bullets

Multi-level Bullets & Numbering

InDesign & PDF’s

Creating a PDF

PDF Options

PDF & Printers Marks /Bleed /Slug /etc

PDF & Password Security /Add Signature

PDF Presets /Export to Print PDF

InDesign & Colour

Colour Models, RGB, CMYK, Spot & Pantones

Colour Management

Edit Existing Colours

Accurate Colour for Print

InDesign & Images

Placing Images

Editing Images /Image Frames

Understanding Image Formats for Print

Understanding Image Formats for Web

Working with Image Frames

Changing Image Frame Shape & Style

InDesign & Image Manipulation

Working with the Pathfinder

Adding Images to Pathfinder Shapes

Fitting Images to Size

Placing Images in Grids /Multiple Grids

InDesign & Links Panel

Working with Links

What is the Links Panel

Replacing Missing Links

Updating Links

Linked & Embedded Files

InDesign Images Meet Text

Text and Images

Text Wrap

Text Wrap Options

Text Wrap & Contour

Text Outsets

InDesign & Output


Preflight Panel

Export (print) to .PDF /Export Options

PDF Print Options