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Adobe Photoshop - Introduction 2 Days

Course Overview

Course objectives: This course is designed for anyone who needs to understand the fundamental features and uses of Adobe Photoshop and the best way to incorporate these into their work.




Experience of the Windows or Macintosh operating system or equivalent working knowledge


Course Contents


The basics:

What file sizes to expect?

System requirements

File format differences such as raster/bitmap (e.g. TIFF) v. vector files (e.g. EPS)


Image input

Display and output: discussion of scanners, monitors, desktop printers, image setters and film recorders in the context of image quality and resolution


Colour theory

Additive and subtractive

Perceptual colour – the eye, the monitor, the printed page

Colour gamuts

Device independent colour

Photoshop’s CMYK preview mode

Spot colours

Duotones, bit depth - 8 and 16 bit


Application basics

The toolbox and panels

The colour picker

View modes

Keyboard shortcuts

Navigation panels

Using Adobe Bridge to find, sort and open images

N-up and multiple document view with tabs


Selection techniques

Creating selection areas

Adding to and subtracting from

Using Quick Selection and refinement tool

Feathering and anti-aliasing

Quick Mask

Using the magnetic tools

The Magic Eraser tools to make cut outs

Selecting intricate elements like hair


Painting tools

The standard brushes

Custom brushes

Linear or radial gradient fills

Creating custom gradient styles

Using the Mixer Brush



Cloning images

Using patterns

Smudging, blurring and sharpening


Repairing scratches

Negative to positive, heal tool, shadow & highlight tool, match colour tool, red eye tool and vanishing point filter

Using Content Aware Fill


History panel

As an Undo

For effects

Using the History brush and the Art brushes to create natural media effects

RAM and hard disk (scratch disk) issues



Resizing images while retaining the correct proportions for your subjects

Image adjustment

Using the Adjustments panel for live, non-destructive image adjustment

Brightness, contrast, gamma, hue/saturation

Colour balance for shadows, highlights and mid-tones

Levels and curves

The black and white conversion tool

Output generally

Re-sampling and printing

Resizing and adjusting resolution to the most appropriate values for printing

Screening issues

File formats for export


Working with Text

Adjusting text appearance

Using text effects commands

Rendering text

Text as a selection

Text distortion and warping, text on a path



Converting a selection path to a layer

Controlling layer transparency

Creating montages using components from different modes

Defining and using Adjustment layers

Placing guides and using grids

Layer styles and layer management, layer comps

Creating and using layer smart objects

Introducing video & 3D smart layers


Filters & special effects

Including soften, sharpen and numerous forms of distortion

Transforming areas of an image, including rotate, stretch, skew, flip and alter perspective

Using the Free Transform function

Using non-destructive smart filters



Warping and Gradients

The interactive image warping window

Creating and editing gradients

Using Puppet Warp to reposition an image element

Rapid processing of images

Recording sequences of editing steps using the Actions panel

Batch processing images