Course Overview
This course is for programmers who need a thorough grounding in the Java programming language. The course covers writing stand-alone applications as well as writing applets that runs in a web page. Audience The course is intended for programmers experienced in other languages who need to be able to understand and write Java classes.
Programmers should be experienced in using a procedural programming language
such as Assembler, Cobol or PL/I, or experience of Visual Basic. For those programmers who have developed programs in 'C', C++ or C# there is some overlap with Java early on in the course. Knowledge of object-oriented programming or design is not necessary.
The course uses desk quizzes and hands-on practical exercises to enable the delegate to gain experience in developing Java applications and applets.
Course objectives
- On completion of this course the delegate will be able to:
- create applications and applets
- use Object-Oriented Programming
- techniques
- program for the GUI environment
- write code to handle files
- have a realistic understanding of
- the terms Inheritance,
- Encapsulation and Polymorphism
- understand multi-tasking
Course contents
Introduction to Java Programming
What is Java?;
Applications and applets; Development
Environments; JDK; The Java
Virtual Machine (JVM); Producing,
compiling and executing; Just-In-Time compilation;
Introduction to Object-Oriented
What is OOP?; Objects andClasses; using Objects; Object
references; Constructors; Accessmodifiers; Packages; Inheritance;
Polymorphism; Encapsulation;OOD; the Java API.
Data types and Operators
Coding a program; Reserved words; Data types, variables and
operators; Statements andexpressions; Strings; StringBuffer;
arrays; arguments to main();garbage collection.
Flow Control
Decision-making; program flow
control; loops.
Classes and Methods
More on objects; passingarguments;
Polymorphism andAbstract classes; constructors and
initialization; accessors and mutators; the this keyword;
interfaces; method signatures;casting and instanceof; static and
final modifiers; overriding andoverloading.
Sets; Lists; Vectors; Maps.
How exception handling works;
class hierarchy; class wrappers;
try...catch; try...finally; throw and
throws; writing and using
exception handlers; assertions.
Introducing the Graphical User Interface
The AWT; Swing; Frames; Layout
Managers; using Components,
Containers and Panels.
Events and Event Handling
Responding to an event;
Listeners; GUI event; Interfaces;
Menus, Text and Dialogs
Menus and dialogs; Using the
mouse with Pop-up menus; text controls; menu options; labels;messages.
File Handling
The File class; Input and output
streams; Readers and writers;
Standard input and Standard
output; File streams;
BufferedReader class; Object
Serialization; Exceptions.
Adding controls to applets; the
Applet tag; parameters and
properties; Graphics and paint;
Testing the Applet; Browser
Problems; security restrictions.
Call stacks; the Thread class and
Runnable interface; Thread
lifecycles; deadlock and
Protocols; Client - Server; sockets and streams.
Course Overview
This course is for programmers who need a thorough grounding in the Java programming language. The course covers writing stand-alone applications as well as writing applets that runs in a web page. Audience The course is intended for programmers experienced in other languages who need to be able to understand and write Java classes.
Programmers should be experienced in using a procedural programming language
such as Assembler, Cobol or PL/I, or experience of Visual Basic. For those programmers who have developed programs in 'C', C++ or C# there is some overlap with Java early on in the course. Knowledge of object-oriented programming or design is not necessary.
The course uses desk quizzes and hands-on practical exercises to enable the delegate to gain experience in developing Java applications and applets.
Course objectives
- On completion of this course the delegate will be able to:
- create applications and applets
- use Object-Oriented Programming
- techniques
- program for the GUI environment
- write code to handle files
- have a realistic understanding of
- the terms Inheritance,
- Encapsulation and Polymorphism
- understand multi-tasking
Course contents
Introduction to Java Programming
What is Java?;
Applications and applets; Development
Environments; JDK; The Java
Virtual Machine (JVM); Producing,
compiling and executing; Just-In-Time compilation;
Introduction to Object-Oriented
What is OOP?; Objects andClasses; using Objects; Object
references; Constructors; Accessmodifiers; Packages; Inheritance;
Polymorphism; Encapsulation;OOD; the Java API.
Data types and Operators
Coding a program; Reserved words; Data types, variables and
operators; Statements andexpressions; Strings; StringBuffer;
arrays; arguments to main();garbage collection.
Flow Control
Decision-making; program flow
control; loops.
Classes and Methods
More on objects; passingarguments;
Polymorphism andAbstract classes; constructors and
initialization; accessors and mutators; the this keyword;
interfaces; method signatures;casting and instanceof; static and
final modifiers; overriding andoverloading.
Sets; Lists; Vectors; Maps.
How exception handling works;
class hierarchy; class wrappers;
try...catch; try...finally; throw and
throws; writing and using
exception handlers; assertions.
Introducing the Graphical User Interface
The AWT; Swing; Frames; Layout
Managers; using Components,
Containers and Panels.
Events and Event Handling
Responding to an event;
Listeners; GUI event; Interfaces;
Menus, Text and Dialogs
Menus and dialogs; Using the
mouse with Pop-up menus; text controls; menu options; labels;messages.
File Handling
The File class; Input and output
streams; Readers and writers;
Standard input and Standard
output; File streams;
BufferedReader class; Object
Serialization; Exceptions.
Adding controls to applets; the
Applet tag; parameters and
properties; Graphics and paint;
Testing the Applet; Browser
Problems; security restrictions.
Call stacks; the Thread class and
Runnable interface; Thread
lifecycles; deadlock and
Protocols; Client - Server; sockets and streams.