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Course Overview

COURSE OVERVIEW This Hands-On JavaScript training course provides an intensive introduction to the essential syntax, features and capabilities provided by JavaScript. It will use practical examples and sessions to introduce the concepts and language commonly used in developing modern functionality for applications and web sites for the internet and mobile devices.  During the practical sessions, the attendees will also be shown how to use debugging tools and other syntax and standards tools to help them. The course covers some of the newer syntax available with ECMAScript versions whilst focusing on cross browser and platform compatible code. This course gives attendees a chance to use modern techniques such as Single Page Applications and Responsive Design.  It is especially useful for creating advanced feature-rich web sites within the latest browser environments. You will learn how to validate forms, animate, manipulate, and add dynamic content and style to your website. The course starts with a brief overview of the modern web development landscape and how all the parts (i.e., HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JS libraries/frameworks, AJAX) interact. Each module is covered using a mixture of discussion, instruction, and practical hands-on exercise(s). The exercises are available on 2 levels (selected by the attendee); a “pre-made” web page where a less experienced attendee can add and modify existing HTML/CSS code or a “roll-your-own” site where attendees with some previous knowledge can design and build their own websites. Each exercise builds on the previous one working towards a final functioning website displaying responsive design, cross platform code and feature sniffing.






This Hands-On JavaScript training course provides an intensive introduction to the essential syntax, features and capabilities provided by JavaScript.

It will use practical examples and sessions to introduce the concepts and language commonly used in developing modern functionality for applications and web sites for the internet and mobile devices.  During the practical sessions, the attendees will also be shown how to use debugging tools and other syntax and standards tools to help them.

The course covers some of the newer syntax available with ECMAScript versions whilst focusing on cross browser and platform compatible code.

This course gives attendees a chance to use modern techniques such as Single Page Applications and Responsive Design.  It is especially useful for creating advanced feature-rich web sites within the latest browser environments. You will learn how to validate forms, animate, manipulate, and add dynamic content and style to your website.

The course starts with a brief overview of the modern web development landscape and how all the parts (i.e., HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JS libraries/frameworks, AJAX) interact.

Each module is covered using a mixture of discussion, instruction, and practical hands-on exercise(s).

The exercises are available on 2 levels (selected by the attendee); a “pre-made” web page where a less experienced attendee can add and modify existing HTML/CSS code or a “roll-your-own” site where attendees with some previous knowledge can design and build their own websites.

Each exercise builds on the previous one working towards a final functioning website displaying responsive design, cross platform code and feature sniffing.

duration - 3 days


This first part of the course focuses on how modern webpages are built looking at all the various languages and concepts and how they work, why you might want to use then and how they interact.


This section gives an overall view of how HTML, CSS and JavaScript and the various libraries used interact.

JavaScript and web development, an overview

JavaScript with HTML, CSS, and the DOM

Event driven code – standard event handling


This next part of the course covers all the basic JavaScript syntax and tools needed to develop modern websites.


This section looks at the basic building blocks for the language.

The syntax rules.

Variables (var, let and const)




The section in this course introduces some tools commonly used in the production, testing and debugging of JavaScript code.

Testing/Debugging JavaScript

Basic techniques

Code tidiers, syntax checkers & validators

Online testing

Browser based tools


This section covers the control structures available in JavaScript

Loops & Decision structures

If… statements

Conditional operator

Switch statement


Functions and default parameter values

Functions, arrows, generators and functional programming

Error handling - try, catch, finally, throw

PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE – methods & functions

This section uses various in-built dialog box styles to display messages on the screen and looks at JavaScript’s built in functions

Dialog boxes




 Built-in Functions


This section looks at objects in JavaScript, both the inbuilt ones that are available (including how to use them) plus how to create and use user defined objects

Built-in objects







Spread syntax

Writing Object Oriented JavaScript

Creating and using user defined Objects

Prototypal inheritance

          What is it

          How to use it effectively

Class (available in newer versions of the ECMAScript standard)


This final part of the course looks at how you can use JavaScript to achieve a variety of popular effects and techniques on the webpage.


This section looks in more depth at using the DOM, what it provides in terms of webpage manipulation and how to access and use it with JavaScript.

The DOM (Document Object Model)

Navigating the DOM with JavaScript

Differences in DOM coding standards

Reading JSON and XML data

Changing styles with CSS

Menus with JavaScript (and CSS)


Single page applications, display and hide areas of your page.

Form validation and manipulation

Mobile ready web pages (responsive web)


There are extensive sets of examples available for this course that illustrate the basic syntax of JavaScript and its practical use on modern webpages.

In addition to the examples there are practical exercises in each section that allow attendees to explore and consolidate their knowledge of the concept.