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Adobe Photoshop Introduction 2 Days

Course Overview

Adobe Photoshop is the industry leading choice for working with digital images of any kind. Over the 2 days training we will cover the Photoshop workspace, selection techniques, layers, smart objects, blend modes, filters, tools to include Photoshop and AI Tools and many more features of this powerful software. Duration: 2 days




Prerequisites: Good working knowledge of Windows or MAC operating system.

Working with Photoshop

Control Bar /Properties /Workspaces

Window Menu,

Photoshop Panels,


New Document Screen


Image Size & Resolution

Resize Image & Image Resolution

Image Dimensions

Aspect Ratio


Layer Panel & Adjustment Layers

Creating, Editing Layers

Shuffling Layers

Background Layers & Duplicating Layers

None-Destructive Workflow

Adjustment Layers

Overview of Layer Palette


Photoshop and Colour

Swatches Panel

CMYK, RGB Models

Pantone & Spot Colour

Gradients, Creating, Editing & Colour Tone

Sampling, Mixing & Matching Colour

Colour Sampling


Photoshop Type

Creating Type / Editing Type

Type Masks

Type & FX Effects

Shaping Type

Type & Good Design

Character & Paragraph Type

Accurate Positioning & Transformation Tools

Rulers, Guides, Grids

Transform & Free Transform Tools


Crop Tool /Crop To /Crop Out

Photoshop & AI Tools

Working with Generative Fill

Generative Prompts

Replace Sky

Neural Filters

Photoshop Digital & Social Images

Web Images /Web Formats

Designing Banners /Social Media Posts

Importing & Editing short Video

Exporting Video

Creating GIFS (animated images)

Editing /Publishing GIFs

GIF’s & Special Effects


Selection Tools

Lasso, Magnetic Lasso, Polygonal Lasso Tools

Magic Wand & Quick Selection Tools

Feathering & Tolerance

Adding / Subtracting from Selections

Modifying / Transforming Selections


Quick Select Tool

Working with Quick Select

Select Subject /Select Background /Select Hair

Select & Mask


Object Select Tool

Working with Object Finder

Mode /Object Finder

Object Finder

Object Finder Mode /Overlay Options

Photoshop Quick Masks

Creating /Editing Masks

Adding /Removing to Masks

Controlling /Brushes

Mask Modes


Photoshop Special Design Techniques

Converting to Black and White

Image Tinting Techniques Sepia

Understanding Duotones

FX Effects with Drop Shadows & Blends

Texture & Patterns


Output for Print

Preparing for Print

Working with Colour Output

File Formats, PSD, TIFF, PDF, JPEG, PNG


Saving for Web

Web File Formats /Understanding Web

Optimising Images

Save for Web