"A Training Solution Provider delivering Learning Skills to keep forever"

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Within a world of high workloads, declining resources, frequent change and a hectic pace of life, the workplace resilience of employees has become a critical factor in organisational success. This reflective and practical workshop provides an opportunity to consider how individuals react when faced with daily pressures, unexpected setbacks and challenges. It shares strategies for learning from experiences and building up personal resources to help them continue to thrive in the modern workplace

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There are few roles today that do not require teamwork. In this complex, uncertain and dynamic world, the ability for teams to manage their ever-changing environment is paramount to its success. Being a resilient individual does not guarantee that the team you belong to is resilient. It is group behaviours that build team resilience. This workshop helps teams to recognise the strategies for building greater team resilience and provides the impetus to learn how to implement them.

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hey this is here

Businesses don’t succeed by standing still. Close scrutiny of products, services, and systems will always reveal room for positive change. And helping people handle change by adapting and adopting new behaviours is one of the toughest challenges managers face. Without the right leadership and communication skills, even the best decisions will be difficult to implement. In this course we look at approaches to support individuals through change, factors that contribute to the creation of positive teams and what is required of a manager during periods of change for continuous improvement performance, service, quality and diversification.

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hey this is here

This course has been designed to enable Managers /Line Managers to create more effective conversations and build desired results. Individuals and groups perform better with coaching and this performance translates into personal and business success. During this 2-day practical and interactive workshop we look at the value and the power of coaching. Learn how to develop trust, listen deeply, and ask effective questions at a deeper and more effective level.

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Good communication skills are vital for conveying information to people clearly and succinctly and in a way that they can understand. Communication is a two way process and good communication is about being a good listener as well as a good speaker. You need to be empathic, so that you can understand how others will interpret your words and behaviour.  

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Employees, who are properly trained and demonstrate professional customer service skills, can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. This helps businesses retain customers and improve profits. It costs less to retain loyal customers than to acquire new ones. In addition, satisfied customers are more open to additional sales messages and are likely to refer others to that business.

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Course Content This course will include a PowerPoint presentation of the main topics supplemented by interactive sessions to reinforce learning of technique. Workbooks will be provided to include all information delivered as part of the course. Bespoke training – we can design and deliver a course that is centred on the exact requirement of your team and what you want to achieve.

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Course overview This course will help you understand what is important to your customers and will help you identify areas for improvement that will improve the customer experience and ultimately create customer loyalty. Focusing on internal factors such as strategy and alignment, it will provide you with the knowledge of what is needed to become a customer-focused organisation.

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Duration – 2 x half day a practical post-activity is introduced at the end of session 1 this is then brought back to session 2 and forms part of this workshop. Irrespective of how we feel about our present role, it is good practise to continue to be aware of all the good things we do towards our future roles. That means always having an up-to-date CV and recording personal achievements as and when they occur. This module provides an opportunity to: Consider tools, techniques, and ideas for always current Critique what you may have already created so that it works for you in the future or Build a CV that will always be selling you in the best way Our pragmatic approach allows individuals to produce a real-time output that they can use now and a structured approach for keeping it up to date in the future.

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Course overview This course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to deal with complaints effectively and leave your customers feeling valued. Offering a range of tips and techniques, it aims to increase your confidence when dealing with complaints, help you to understand things from the customer’s point of view and ensure a positive outcome.